【编者按:2016年7月29日,由浙江省旅游局和凤凰全媒体共同主办的“诗画浙江美丽乡村”乡+系列活动启动仪式于浙江省丽水市松阳县召开。这不仅是用行动践行习近平总书记的生态观,也是吸引更多中外游客关注、树立“诗画浙江美丽乡村”国际品牌的重要举措。启动仪式上裸心集团区域总经理Marco Militzer在发言中说浙江乡村优美的环境让他心情舒畅。文章根据现场速记整理,与凤凰国际智库读者分享。】

Marco Militzer,裸心集团区域总经理
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
Thank you for the invitation and giving me the opportunity today to share my experience working as a laowai in Zhejiang.
Two and a half years ago I arrived in Moganshan to manage naked Stables, the flagship resort of our company called naked.
The resort is very successful and business increased over the years.
The success of naked Stables is based on its wonderful location in Moganshan, our concept of offering organic food products from our own farm and using environmental sustainable material for our uniquely designed rooms,
for which we also received the prestigious LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) award in 2011.
But most importantly it is the wonderful team working with me on the property to provide memorable service for our guests on daily basis, which makes the difference.
Almost 70% of our staff come from the Zhejiang area.
For many it is the first time working in a resort,
but I realized soon that that they have a lot of passion for serving our guests, so our focus for training is mainly to provide the necessary technical skills so they can do their job well.
If I am being asked what I am enjoying most working at naked Stables and in Moganshan, my answers is very simple:
In the morning I wake up by the sound of birds and not by the sound honking cars.
For the way to my office I do not have to take the subway – but I am passing by bamboo trees and water streams.
And when I look out of my office window I don’t see sky scrapers but a tea field.
You see, it is truly a magical place, where I am working at.
Being a foreigner in Zhejiang and working together with my local team, I do not only see my role leading a team, but also listening to and learning from them.
Listening to their needs and learning about their culture - and then based on this, take simply care of them.
Only by gaining a good understanding of each other, we are able to work together in a harmonious way.
Based on the success of naked Stables and the continuous support of the local government, for which I am very grateful of, we will now open our second resort in Moganshan by the end of this year called naked Castle.
As you can see, my journey in Zhejiang and Moganshan will continue and I welcome you all to visit us if you feel the need to relax and enjoy yourself.